Gearing up for canning season (Tattler Reusable Canning Lids Giveaway)

Last week we cracked open the last of the canned apricots in honey syrup and spooned them up with whipped cream.

That jar was the end of my fruit preserves from last summer (although there’s still jam to be found) and it got me thinking about the season ahead. I intend to make up for lost time this year, as last summer my pregnancy left me too tired to cook dinner, let alone put up produce. Even though I’m certain this summer is going to be one of the busiest ever, and I’ll have a baby to care for, I’m determined to keep my canning pot occupied.

Local produce hasn’t quite hit the markets yet, but I am getting ready for it. Making sure I have a supply of large and small reusable canning lids from Tattler is an important part of planning for canning.

Tattler Lids provide a cost effective alternative to metal lids, as well as a safe, environmentally friendly product for home food preservation. I’ve been using their lids for over a year now with no complaints and I recommend them to my friends and family. It’s nice to know that the food I am preserving is BPA free.

Hit the jump to read about a few more ways I’m getting ready for the canning season, and a mega giveaway from Tattler Reusable Canning Lids! One winner will take home a giveaway package of 100 regular lids AND 100 wide mouth lids with reusable rubber rings!

Prepping for 2012 Canning Season

Back to Basics. It’s never a bad idea to review canning basics, and with my frazzled postpartum brain, it is essential. If your new to canning or just looking for a refresher, read our Canning 101 primer.

Equipment Check. Don’t be the knumbskull who is all set to jam – only to discover the pectin is past its due date and there’s nary an empty jar in the pantry. Go over everything you will need, toss those old canning lids containing BPA, and order some reusable lids from Tattler. Now you’re set.

Plan to Stay Sane. I mean it. Set realistic goals and check out these 7 Ways to Avoid Burnout During Canning Season. You can thank me come October.

Get a Guidebook. Luckily for us, Marisa of Food in Jars (and Simple Bites contributor) has a cookbook coming out in just a few days and in plenty of time for spring produce. Food in Jars: Preserving in Small Batches Year-Round is available for pre-order on Amazon, so get yours now! Also, be sure to check out Marisa’s book tour page to see if she is coming to a city near you.

Printable Canning Plan: If you like cute printables, Autumn over at Autumn Makes & Does is helping us to get a start on the upcoming preserving season with an adorable printable canning plan. Download it today for free!

Stock up on Tattler lids! They are suitable for all types of home canning and are dishwasher safe. Winning this giveaway could give you enough reusable canning lids for life! Be sure to enter below.

48-Hour Giveaway!

** This giveaway has ended. Congratulations to Tracy of Sugarcrafter, our big winner!**

Today’s special giveaway package includes 100 regular lids AND 100 wide mouth lids with reusable rubber rings from Tattler. That’s a retail value of $142.95!

To enter:

Leave a comment on this post and tell me something on your canning ‘to-do’ list for this year.

Extra entries

For additional entries you can do one or all of the following:

1. Follow @tattlercanning on Twitter, copy and paste following into a tweet:

“I want to win a season’s worth of BPA-free reusable canning lids from @tattlercanning on @simplebites: ”

2. Like Tattler Reusable Canning Lids on Facebook.

3. Like Simple Bites on Facebook.


For each additional entry, you MUST return to this post and leave a comment telling me you tweeted or Facebooked.

**And finally, only comments left on this original post will be counted as entries, so if you are reading this post via email, please note that you must enter on the blog post itself, NOT by replying to the email. Thank you!**

Giveaway will end on Sunday, April 22 at 12:01 AM. Good luck to all!

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  1. I plan on canning a variety of things, I just started canning last year and am addicted. This could really help me with the expense of canning!

  2. Just getting into canning and would love to try the tattler lids. Seems like much less waste.

  3. Wow!! Nice giveaway! Thanks!!

    I am trying alot of new things this canning season, peaches, different jams and brussel sprouts!!! I cannot wait to get started!!! Thanks!

  4. Just liked both your pages on facebook!!! This was cool to find out…..I had never heard of these lids and am REALLY HAPPY to find out that they make them

  5. I’m hoping to can some more summer produce this summer. I would love to have the reusable lids – how nice! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. I started canning last year. I picked up 3bushels of apples when we went to Michigan. It was so much more fun than I imagined. This year, I am only growing salsa ingredients in my garden. I am out to perfect and can a salsa recipe.

  7. I would love, love, love to win this stash of Tattler lids. Salsa, dill pickles, peaches, and jams are on my to-do list for this canning season.

  8. Oo, this looks exciting! I’ve been going over (slowly) your canning links, gathering info from other sources (like Ball’s Complete Book of Canning), getting advice from my sister (canning queen), and gathering equipment. My family has been affected by the economic downturn, like so many others, and now I want to make our little vegetable garden go a step further. As I’m totally new to canning, my canning goal this year is modest: just can one thing right (and it’s just gotta be right…no botulism!). Even if I’m not the winner, I’ll be checking out those Tattler lids…they look great!

  9. Planning on making lots of gooseberry jam and rhubarb jam from the plants in my yard.

  10. My canning “to do” this year is to can my own spaghetti sauce. I can’t stand store bought sauce. I liked both of your pages on FB and followed you on Twitter under JJohnson353. Glad I found them!

  11. I have only been canning for two years. This year I really want to explore pickled cauliflower, carrots and watermelon rinds. I want to continue my adventures in jam making – last year I played with prosecco, rose water and herbs in my jams – SO FUN! I made a lot of salsa last year, but this year I want to go bolder with my flavors, smoking, roasting, and charring! But the biggest thing on my “to-do” list is to write down my recipes for my kids!!!

  12. I’ve asked my mom to share her vast knowledge of canning with me this summer. We plan on hitting the farmer’s market and canning anything that can be canned! 😉

  13. I just got back into canning during the fall winter ,after being out of it since I was a kid helping my mom and grandma, with canning some apple jams, salsa and jalapenos. I have planted a small garden and hope to be canning some veggies and fruits this summer. I main thing I need to do is make a lot of jams and jellies because my kids refuse to eat store bought now. I want to broaden my canning a lot this sping/summer.

  14. I’d like to try these lids! I’m making strawberry jam this week as local berries are in where we live. This summer my plan is to make enough tomato sauce to give us two quarts a week. I thought last year’s 60+ quarts would be enough but apparently not….we ran out two weeks ago.

  15. I have blood orange strawberry marmalade simmering on the stove at this very moment. Mmmmm!

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